One of the reasons for the large amount of homework is the poor use of working time by the student in class.

One of the reasons for the large amount of homework is the poor use of working time by the student in class.

However, if the child’s education is not of interest to parents, if parents do not stimulate motivation to learn, if the cult of knowledge is not cultivated in the family, it is very difficult to hope for the child’s academic success.

One of the reasons for the large amount of homework is the poor use of working time by the student in class. Everything is the same as for adults: if you work poorly during working hours, you will have to work after work. Look in your child’s notebooks, ask what he learned in class. Will what you see and hear make you happy? How to reach a student who is in headphones and on the phone? Of course, the music is more enjoyable and the games are more interesting.

Homework should not be a teacher’s goal and a means of self-affirmation. It is good if the teacher sets individual tasks of search, creative, project character, after all the house should develop intellectual abilities of the child, interest to a science, to activity, motivation to good performance of a task, to knowledge.

It is better to have an interesting lesson and not ask for anything at home than to rewrite the exercises from the textbook for the whole lesson, and then ask two or three more at home. Unfortunately, schooling is mostly reproductive: read-retold-forgotten.

For several years in a row, we conducted an experiment: in grades 10-11, theatrical profile did not set homework at all. Students from all over the city ran to us, happy that they could study without a home. Then they were forced to abandon this practice: he was not in class, there is no home, no knowledge either … So the home was returned, but not in all subjects. We need the student not only to prepare for the creative competition at the university, but also to pass the external examination.

Thus, the shortcomings of the modern school, the overload of children, their interests that go beyond traditional school education force some parents to look for an individual educational trajectory of children’s learning. Every school can now have pedagogical patronage, family education, external studies, and inclusive education, as well as a combination of all these forms with traditional full-time education. By working together, despite all obstacles, we must find the best way to develop each student’s academic ability.

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blogsVladimir Onatsky


Why spoil European educational practice, where general secondary education lasts longer?

Vladimir Bely: secondary education “there” and “here”

Author: Vladimir Bely, ex-deputy director for OIA, physical and technical lyceum of Kherson.

What is this: leaven to start a rematch?

It is sad that the European educational practice, in which the systems of general secondary education are 12, 13, and even 14 years old, is presented so primitively and distortedly. 

Basic education “there” under the age of 16 is strictly controlled by the state – parents are fined for missing classes.

And after the external evaluation for 9-year-old graduates ALL students go to the profile-oriented segments of the same general secondary education depending on the level of training: some – to the academic segment, and others – to the professional.

However, the latter does not mean that the cycle of general secondary education for students of vocational lyceums / colleges is over.

It simply differs in content from the content of those who entered academic lyceums, which usually have several educational profiles in one institution.

And most importantly, all these institutions for high school students are FULLY funded by taxpayers without any additional fees from parents.

Moreover, the local authorities also allocate funds for the operation of extracurricular cultural and educational institutions, which take money from parents only to pay for the hours of work of teachers who lead groups of students ‘/ parents’ choice.

Plus, the local government allocates funds for school trips abroad during the holidays, but the amount that covers only part of the budget of the trip, and the other students earn themselves after school and on weekends, but do not take from parents. And more …

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blogsVladimir Bely


Why there are no institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education in foreign educational systems

B. White: advanced training is not a guarantee of results

Author: Vladimir Bely, ex-deputy director for OIA, physical and technical lyceum of Kherson.

Further training: the duty of the state or the need of a teacher?

Why are there no state-funded structures in foreign education systems with the function of mandatory involvement of teachers in in-service training to issue them with a document to that effect?


 first, universities do not issue pseudo-diplomas of “successful” graduation; secondly, the system is not limited to the procedure for issuing a diploma, but also adds a final certification (in different countries it varies in form), the essence of which is to verify whether the graduate, as a candidate for a job in an educational institution, is able to apply the studied; third, the state cannot use coercion in any form (direct or indirect), because it will violate the basic constitutional rights of the individual; fourthly, and this is the main thing – they fully recognize that “… Independent development of new in the profession a priori can not but be advanced training.”

Only about this “there” also take into account that the presence of the process (training) is not a guarantee of results.

Yes, the process is necessary, but not enough, because there are pathological failures or similar exceptions to the rule, which for the system can become such a “spoon of tar to a barrel of honey” – to demotivate the majority to a truly productive learning and refocus on it. imitation.

The latter is rapidly ahead of the internal need for self-improvement, because the issuance of a document is more than a good reason for us to recognize an employee of a higher qualification category than before.

And “there” recognize one or another level of professionalism of the employee not due to the presence of the processes of his work on himself, but because of the same for all applicants INDEPENDENT evaluation procedures of its absolutely objective definition.

Why don’t they switch to our model of state urgent “care” for the professional growth of all, without exception, employees of the educational system?

Because the local society will not allow to “smear” the taxpayers’ funds provided for the work of the educational system with their children, for the work of auxiliary educational staff, the productive effect of which is obviously more than doubtful.

We are still not like successful nations.

That is why every next one of our governments has been “running” to those successful countries for almost thirty years in a row, asking to lend money to pay teachers’ salaries.

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Vladimir Belyblogs


Does a child have to go to school for 12 years just to find a teacher?

Sergei Zakharin: on the reform of school education

Author: Sergei Zakharin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the NGO “Research Institute of Economic Development”, Head of the Patronage Service of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

There is a public debate about the appropriate period of study in high school. Currently, this period is 11 years, and will be (if the legislation remains unchanged) 12 years. There are respected authors who believe that this term should be longer, but there are authors with the opposite point of view.

Article 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that full general secondary education is compulsory. That is, every Ukrainian citizen must receive a complete general secondary education (not basic). However, the constitution-giver does not determine the terms of obtaining this education. This term is a matter of public consensus.

We need to clearly understand: what exactly do we expect from secondary education? What results do we expect? It is clear that “at the exit” we want to get a person ready either to study in a higher education institution, or to live independently, and this person must be able to think independently, critically, creatively, as well as make informed everyday decisions.

However, it should be borne in mind that a person receives education in a social environment – in the family, among friends, in interaction with strangers. And also in the system of formal education: first – in kindergarten, then – in school, and then – in institutions of higher, professional and vocational education. Ukraine has a powerful system of extracurricular education (sports sections, art studios, music schools, clubs, etc.), which we can be proud of. Some citizens even study for doctoral programs.

It should also be borne in mind that a significant part of the competencies we acquire in the workplace, and each new job opens up a lot of new and interesting things for us (well, right?). Thus, the school forms only a small part of the “ability to think critically and creatively”, and the period of study at school has almost no effect on this ability.

It is sometimes written that increasing the period of study in high school is a natural process of development of human civilization. The more knowledge you have accumulated, the more time it takes to master it.

If this were true, then in 30-40-50 years the duration of school education will reach 15 or 20 years. After all, the “civilizational history of mankind” is moving forward, and if we stick to this point of view, the more of this history – the longer the term of school education should be.

Maybe the term of school education should be determined in international agreements?

In accordance with the “EU-Ukraine Association Agreement” (this name is given in quotation marks, as the official name is different), fully respecting the obligations of the Parties on the content of education and organization of educational systems, as well as their cultural and linguistic diversity, the Parties promote cooperation in the field of education, training and youth policy in order to improve mutual understanding, intensify intercultural dialogue and strengthen knowledge about relevant cultures (Article 430).

This is quite natural, and it is perfectly legal if each country builds an education system based primarily on its own national interests. The highlight is that in the EU, only basic secondary education is compulsory, not full general education.

In many countries of the “new Europe” (Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, the Czech Republic) the duration of basic secondary education is 9 years.